Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Goodbye Chicken Wire!

I don't why our previous owners thought this would be a good idea.  Maybe they wanted to fence in a dog or something.  Chicken wire is stupid stuff.  I'm not gonna miss it!  Chris bought a grinder to cut through the wire, but he ended up just using wire clippers and pliers after a couple posts.  The sparks from the grinder were fun though!

Electrical Panel

I'm not sure what to think of our contractor's electrician.  At first I thought he was just a bad speller...

But then Chris tried to find out if he could run the cable cord for our new kitchen TV through the ceiling of our downstairs bathroom and couldn't figure out which switch controlled the electricity anywhere downstairs, they were so incorrectly labeled...

So we did all of them ourselves, with lots of running up and down the stairs...

Meanwhile, after we figured all that out and Chris tried to fix the installation of the bathroom light so it wasn't crooked, we discovered the light fixture was the wrong size for the receptacle and, securely installed, metal was touching metal and our circuit kept grounding.  So now we need a new light.  :P

But our TV is installed, even though there's no cable running to it yet...

It's never-ending, I tell you what!


My bug protectors are in!  Chris installed all the screens in our new windows and sliding glass door.  The door was tricky cuz we had to unscrew the barrier preventing people from flying out of our kitchen from the second story.  I guess it's a good thing the contractors forgot to take their 12 foot ladder with them!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Drainage, Part 3

We've done so much home improvement this weekend, I don't even know where to start!  Chris actually took a couple days off work cuz he needed a break and wanted to get a lot of big things done.  So we started with drainage...again...

See that huge round cement block?  Footing from our old deck.  It took Chris two hours to maneuver it out!

We made it to the edge of our property, where things sort of drop off, so all the water should drain out of our yard now.  Chris did the ditch for the drainage out from under our foundation by himself.  I was getting devoured by mosquitoes, even with multiple applications of OFF.