Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's practically kudzu!

It's not really...we just have these ivy vines that go EVERYWHERE.  They used to be all over the back of our house (the people who lived here before us had trellises up and the ivy spread like crazy), which was cool and annoying.  It was cool cuz we actually had a robin build its nest there once, but it was really annoying to take down - it was wrapped under our siding, around our cable cord, and burrowed into our yard.  We removed all that a while ago, but we also had some in our front yard.  No idea where it came from, really.  But it was growing up the side of our porch and we spent a couple hours removing it, a bunch of other "jungle plants," and a quarry of rocks.  It looks sort of barren now, but imagine a nice big piney tree in the corner!  

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