Monday, September 1, 2014


No, seriously, we had a bat fly into our house!  I was sitting in the living room watching TV and this thing flew by my head.  I thought it was a bird, but Chris saw it fly and it was definitely a bat.  We named him Wilbur.  :)  He was super scared and of course, I had no idea what to do so we checked it out online and followed some of their suggestions.  None of those ideas worked and when we tried to trap him in a pillowcase, he was REALLY not happy.

Eventually he flew upstairs and that's when I got worried - I didn't want him in the bedroom!  He flew into the guest bedroom and we shut the door so he was contained.  Chris got a shoebox and sat in the room until Wilbur got too tired to fly.  Then he trapped him in the box and brought him outside.

After we let Wilbur go, Chris started doing research on bats and discovered that they carry rabies.  Oops.  Then he got all worried that Wilbur may have had rabies, so we had to get him the whole rabies series!  Poor Chris.  Meanwhile, we see "Wilburs" around all the time when we're outside.  Hooray!

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