Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 119 - 11/25/11

The cleanup continues!  We started on the bedroom today.  We moved our tall dresser into the closet and set up the entertainment center.  My husband is at work so it's up to me to get everything organized.  :)

Our new stove is coming today too - yay!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 118 - 11/24/11

Happy Thanksgiving!  We are beginning the cleanup process - it's sort of a daunting task.  But we made waffles for breakfast today!

My husband secured the dishwasher to the cabinets...we tested it out - it's so quiet!

And we built an IKEA bookshelf as our pantry.

 Thanksgiving dinner as requested: meatloaf and pumpkin pie!

Day 117 - 11/23/11

Countertops are in!

Day 115 - 11/21/11

They got so much done today, I don't even know where to start!  The main event is the support for the countertop peninsula in the kitchen and the installation of the range hood and final cabinet...

There was also lots of touchup work in the bathroom and basement.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 113 - 11/19/11

I wish I knew a painting song...that's what they did all day and my house is much prettier!

Here's my nice sunny kitchen...

...and my "orange sherbet" bathroom...

You may recognize the sink and mirror - they were the old ones in the master bathroom and are now in the first floor bathroom, which has lost its wacky spongy paint job and is now a nice flat peachy color.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 111 - 11/17/11

We came home today for our weekly meeting with the contractor and everything is going well in the walkthrough.  We have lovely floor in the closet, the kitchen is ready for sanding and primer, and our new dishwasher is in the garage waiting to be installed.  Then he drops the bomb: the countertops aren't going to be delivered until the 23rd.  Which means the sink can't be connected until Thanksgiving Day.  Which isn't going to happen, obviously.  And now I'm all sad. 

Not one to take news like this sitting down, I'm going to be talking with my contractor and Home Depot to figure this out.  If Home Depot doesn't get my countertops installed by the 22nd, I'm never shopping there again.  And I'm still sad.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 110 - 11/16/11

I'm having floor issues...

The old vanity in the first floor bathroom was taken out and replaced with the vanity that used to be in the master bathroom.  Unfortunately, the old vanity leaves a big ugly space of bare floor...

We're going to have them replace the whole bathroom floor with the bamboo.

They tiled the master bathroom and it looks great!

We weren't sure what flooring to put in the closet, but I think I'm going with the bamboo flooring we put in the kitchen.  What do you think - tile, bamboo, or carpet?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 108 - 11/14/11

Well, after a frustrating weekend of very little progress, we have a solid plan for the next week or so.  Today the siding is essentially completed - couple more spots to go and then they can take the scaffolding down tomorrow.  Hopefully that will be coupled with a clean up of the's getting a bit junkyard-ish!

The kitchen hasn't changed much, but they did move the fridge and stove to their new spots.  Unfortunately, the countertops won't be installed until next Tuesday!  :(  That leaves me exactly one day to figure things out before Thanksgiving.  I'm going to be like the people who go Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, except I'll be shopping for Thanksgiving dinner that morning!

The bathroom is painted!  You know your husband loves you when he lets you paint the master bathroom purple.  :) 

They might tile the floor tomorrow if they're not too busy demo-ing the old kitchen.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 104 - 11/10/11

Siding started...

Cabinets are in!!

I started organizing - so many decisions to make! 

Plates and bowls...

Cups and corningware...

Cooking stuff...

Can't wait to actually use it!

Day 103 - 11/9/11

Primer in the bathroom, completed floor and some cabinet work in kitchen. 

We also went to Home Depot to pick out a light fixture for the kitchen and a new dishwasher!  Black Friday sales start tomorrow, if you can believe it, so we should get a pretty good deal on it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 102 - 11/8/11

Moonlit Yellow - that's the name of the paint color.  The lighting's a little odd, but so far it goes pretty well with the floors! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 101 - 11/7/11

Splash of paint in the kitchen (what do you think of the yellow?), patched up wall in the bedroom, and a bonus - two new fans in the bathrooms!

Day 100 - 11/6/11

Day 100?!  Primer up on the kitchen walls, patching of ceiling in the basement.  I asked them to fix my basement so at least one area in my house is useable and off limits to workers.  I need my piano!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 99 - 11/5/11

Done with the drywall in the kitchen except the part that goes over the stove because they have to figure out the ducting for the range hood.  Ready for sanding and primer tomorrow!

Second floor about 85% done.  They put cement board around the tub and shower.  We are probably not tiling the wall behind the tub.

Day 98 - 11/4/11

Hammer pounding, tap tap tap,
Saw is sawing, chap chap chap,
Building, building up it goes,
Floor and ceiling and windows!

Who knows that one?  :)

Drywall in the kitchen...

And bathroom...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 97 - 11/3/11

We passed!!!  I am cautiously excited about this.  The inspection occurred around 11:30 this morning, so the guys spent the next nine hours installing drywall in the new kitchen area. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 96 - 11/2/11

Looking at my house makes me angry.  Poor house!  Nothing happened today, no surprise.  Stupid contractor is going to try to fit in two inspections tomorrow to "make up for lost time."  Whatever.  I don't speak to him anymore. 

On a good note, I look at my new cabinets, and I smile!  We have to decide which color bamboo floor works best with the cabinets and countertops.  Here's a picture of the floor samples with the cabinets...which one do you like better?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 95 - 11/1/11

You know, I didn't think it was possible for someone to be incandescent with rage, but I've now done it.  I can tell you what it feels like.  My brother can tell you what it sounds like, because I yelled in his ear for a solid five minutes, swearing like a pirate, screaming like a banshee, the whole nine yards.

Long story short, because thinking about it makes me angry again: inspection today, called contractor multiple times during the day to check up on things, he tells me he's going to be at my house until 4:30.  I get home at 4:30 and no contractor.  You know what is there?  A note from the inspector saying no one was at home at 4:20!!  ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME?!  Call contractor in a furious rage.  He says he had to leave early to get to a computer to sign up for a new time for tomorrow.  WTF?!  All he had to do was call me to say he wanted to leave early.  I was FIVE minutes away at Safeway.  I can't even eat the dinner I bought I'm so angry.  And he needed to get to a COMPUTER?!  What, do I live in a cave?  I have two perfectly good computers with internet access IN MY HOUSE and he could have waited until 4:30 to use them.

Meanwhile, if he had waited, he wouldn't have had to schedule another appointment for tomorrow, because we would have gotten the inspection done TODAY!!  And he had the gall to say that he was frustrated having to wait all day for the inspector.  So instead of waiting an extra fifteen minutes and getting approval to start work tomorrow, now he has to wait A WHOLE OTHER DAY doing NOTHING. 

Here's the best part.  It was so late by the time he scheduled the new inspection, all the times for tomorrow were taken, so now we can't get inspected until Thursday.  So now we have THREE wasted days.

I talked to my architect about potentially firing the contractor, but apparently there are some problems with that.  I wonder if I can just pay him less for being such a royal screwup.  I'm putting him on Angie's List and giving him the lowest possible score.

This was a longer story than I thought it would be in my rambling, pissed off stream of consciousness.  11/11/11 better be a luckier day than 11/1/11 was.  Thanks for listening.  :)

Day 94 - 10/31/11

The new guy worked on fixing up the rafters and installed the access door that will lead from our den into the new storage area above the garage.  It's actually a lot bigger than we had envisioned, so it'll be our new man cave.