Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 108 - 11/14/11

Well, after a frustrating weekend of very little progress, we have a solid plan for the next week or so.  Today the siding is essentially completed - couple more spots to go and then they can take the scaffolding down tomorrow.  Hopefully that will be coupled with a clean up of the's getting a bit junkyard-ish!

The kitchen hasn't changed much, but they did move the fridge and stove to their new spots.  Unfortunately, the countertops won't be installed until next Tuesday!  :(  That leaves me exactly one day to figure things out before Thanksgiving.  I'm going to be like the people who go Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, except I'll be shopping for Thanksgiving dinner that morning!

The bathroom is painted!  You know your husband loves you when he lets you paint the master bathroom purple.  :) 

They might tile the floor tomorrow if they're not too busy demo-ing the old kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, 1 day grocery shopping? You better have a comprehensive shopping list.
