Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 173 - 1/18/12

We made the deadline!  It's my husband's birthday today and we showered in our new bathroom for the very first time!  I was very proud of myself - I installed the toilet tissue holder, towel bars, and towel ring last night.  I'm getting pretty handy with a power drill and level!  The temperature adjusts fine, and the raingall-style shower head is kind of interesting.  Lots of water volume, which is good, but the direction is always straight down, which is different. 

Our final inspection was today too.  Not bad - we didn't pass, but nothing outrageous.  The big issue is the smoke detectors.  Now that we've added an addition, we have to follow the new code, which says that we need one smoke alarm in each bedroom, the upstairs hallway, and the kitchen.  I think that's overkill, but better safe than sorry, I guess.  Here's the catch - the smoke alarms have to be connected to the electricity (not just powered by a battery) AND they have to be connected to each other, so if one alarm goes off, they all go off!  I just cleaned my house of all drywall dust and now they have to tear apart my ceilings!!!  Argh.  Sigh. 

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