Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 18 - 8/16/11

Happy Birthday to Me!  So after yesterday's frustration, we were prepared today!  We stuck the plans between the front door and the screen door and the foreman picked them up.  He was going to be at the house working, so he could go through the plans with the inspector when he finally showed up.  We went out for a run and when we got back, the concrete truck was just arriving.  We asked the foreman if the inspector came and he said yes.  I asked if we got a sticker and he said no, because he had not been at the house when the inspector was here.  WHAT?!  Was that not the point of giving you the plans?  Geez Louise.  So now, we are unsure as to whether the forms have been approved.  But there's a cement truck sitting in my driveway.

So now we are concerned - are the forms actually approved?  Can we proceed without an approval sticker?  We call the contractor, the foreman calls the contractor, the foreman talks to my husband, I talk to the contractor...  Basically, the contractor said we could move forward as long as he turns in pictures and a letter to the county detailing how our construction matched the plans and we would get back-approval.  Is this kosher?  No idea.  Our contractor seems pretty sure of this plan.  But now we have another problem.  The forms are not shored up properly.  When the cement gets poured in, the wooden forms need lots of support so they don't bow out under the heavy weight of the cement.  So now it's a mad dash to complete the forms because there's a cement truck in my driveway.

Since it's my birthday, we have plans.  We leave to go watch "Crazy Stupid Love" and have dinner at Carrabba's, expecting a wall when we get back.  On a side note, "Crazy Stupid Love" is a great movie!  Pretty much nothing has changed in the last four hours, except we have cement in about one-third up the frame and everyone's gone.  Now what happened?  Cliffhanger...!


  1. Leslie!
    This is awesome! Thank you for sharing it with me!:) I hope the stupid inspector gets his act together.

  2. I think Amanda's going to find him & give him the smack down. ;) Happy Belated Birthday!
