Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 47 - 9/14/11

They built the floor for the second story - I can now imagine my new bathroom! 

Unfortunately, it also rained again.  And we still have not poured the cement.  And all the draining they did two days ago is wasted.  Sigh.

So much drama!  Not only is all the draining they did wasted, our whole house got wet!  Here's how it happened:

It started raining around 7:30.  I went down to play piano and after a while, I heard this rushing water sound.  I went to check it out and water was dripping down from the basement ceiling again.  It was enough that we put a bucket under it to catch it because the towel would have been overwhelmed really fast.  After a few more minutes of piano, I go back and check and there's more water! 

I go and grab more towels, but as I run upstairs and pass the kitchen, I notice water is running across the floor of the kitchen from the sliding glass door all the way to the stove!  Now I'm panicked.  I'm tossing towels everywhere, and moving things out of the way. 

Then I go into the garage to see if everything's OK in there, since they took the roof off.  Nope, things are not OK.  There are streams of water coming from the ceiling in at least two places.  I put out two more buckets and go outside to grab the garbage can to catch more water. 

It's raining cats and dogs and my husband went out to see if he could see why there was so much leaking going on.  It turns out the cause of problem was the plastic sheeting.  The wind had torn part of it off the roof completely and ripped a hole in another section over the garage.  One piece was sort of folded over and water was streaming down toward the house instead of away from it, which is why the kitchen got all wet.

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