Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 54 - 9/21/11

I don't want to sound like a whiner, but I was promised a roof on Saturday.  Carpenters didn't work on Saturday because it was "raining."  Monday they built walls.  Tuesday they came and made no progress.  Today it actually didn't rain a drop and no one came.  It's raining tonight and my house is going to get wet, I know it.  Tomorrow there's a higher chance of rain, and Friday it's definitely going to rain.  So when am I getting my roof?  The contractor simply doesn't have a good explanation to why the work is so inconsistent.  Everyone seems so concerned about getting the roof up because they want to be able to work without worrying about water damage, but when it's not raining, nothing gets done and then, lo and behold, it's raining again!  The broken promises are getting quite frustrating.  If you're not going to get something done, just tell me.  Lower my expectations! 

On a separate note, I was right about banks, although I'm still not sure if they're withholding information on purpose or because they think everyone knows this stuff.  I went back today to give them a copy of my husband's pay stub and I learned that there's another fee involved with closing.  Fourth time discussing this loan, first time hearing about this payment. 

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